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While trying out the different themes on my local web server I came across a problem with the site icon, the WordPress replacement for the favicon.

After making the image to the recommended size and naming it siteicon.png I clicked on “Select site icon”, uploaded the file and then selected it. A new screen came up asking me to “Crop image” and it was when clicking this that the error “WordPress will not crop “ came up.

After a quick search of the Internet I discovered that WordPress uses the GD Graphics Library for dynamically manipulating image. As this library is already included in PHP the simple solution was to uncomment the line “extension=php_gd2.dll” in php.ini.


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Now that Wordpress is installed and I have imported everything from my online website it is time to try out some new themes. My original theme is many years old and has not been updated for a long time. I am not sure how adaptive it is now that so many people are using tablets and smartphones to browse the web.

After a long time searching I find and install three themes that look suitable for my website; Clean Retina, Nisarg and Bhari. After trying them all out in live preview, there is one outright winner.

This stylish theme is, clean and uncluttered with elegant and readable typography. It is not as customiseable as my old theme or the other two I tried but, to be honest, there is not much about it I want to change.


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Now that I have updated MySQL it’s time to make use of my webserver. So, as I want to try different themes for my other website, I shall install Wordpress.

The install went successfully but, when I logged in I was faced with an update. Already! – I had only downloaded the latest version two days ago. But, this does give me the opportunity to try out the Wordpress automatic update as I have never tried it on my home webserver before.

Download failed.: No working transports found

After a quick Google search I find out that It is the php CURL extension that performs data transfers and deals with HTTP and HTTPS requests.

So it is just a case of opening php.ini in a text editor, uncommenting extension=php_curl.dll and then restarting Apache.

Wordpress automatic upgrades now works.

Job done.


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Having already updated Apache and PHP I thought it was about time I updated MySQL now at version 5.7.

Downloaded, installed and tested successfully.

The only problem, for me at least, is that there is no option in the installation process to change the program and data directories. I need them to be in a subdirectory named Webserver on the D: Drive. So, after a bit of trial and error, I came up with this solution.

Open a command prompt as administrator.
Stop the Mysql service with net stop mysql57
Remove the service with sc delete mysql57

Now it is time to move the directories from their default location. I also move the my.ini file from the data directory to the server directory – its natural home.

Next it’s time to edit the my.ini file
uncomment and change basedir path
change datadir path
change secure-file-priv path

With that done open a command prompt as administrator in the MySQL bin directory as MySQL now can be re-instated as a service using mysqld.
e.g. mysqld —install MySQL57 —defaults-file=“D:\Webserver\MySQL\my.ini”

Service successfully installed.


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Today I decided to upgrade Textpattern to its latest iteration using Installatron Applications Installer.

At first everything seemed to go OK – the blog loaded well but when I tried to log in as Admin to write a post I got this error.

config.php is missing or corrupt. To install Textpattern, visit setup.

There is,of course, no setup for the link to go to, so I go in search of config.php. I find it on the top level directory textpattern/ and seeing a sub directory also called textpattern decide to move the file there.

I try logging in again. This time I have lost the error and now get a 404 Not Found page. So, as I have moved the config.php down a level, I try pointing my login link to here also.

Et voila!
Back in business.

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Oh dear. I knew it had been a long time since I had posted anything but I did not realise how long. Where did all the time go?

I had intended to restart this blog when I upgraded to Windows 10 and even took loads of notes about my experience. Now all I have to do is find them.

Looks like I have a lot of retroactive posting to do.

My first problem is that I cannot remember when I actually installed Windows 10 but I found this tip:

Open a command prompt and type in systeminfo | find /i "Original"

Result – Original Install Date: 22/09/16, 15:32:26

Except this is wrong because I know that I had the free upgrade and the last date for that was July 29th 2016. Ho hum.


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I have just realised that Apache has not been starting, so, I try to start it up from the Apache Monitor.

Apache Error – The requested operation has failed!

Looked in Event Viewer:
The Apache service named reported the following error:
>>> AH00451: no listening sockets available, shutting down.

Something has stolen the use of Port 80 and the usual suspect for this is Microsoft’s own webserver IIS which is run by the W3SVC service. So lets fire up Services and have a look.

And there it is, hiding under the Display name: World Wide Web Publishing Service.
Right click on service and select Properties:
Stop service and set Startup type: to Manual.

Now Apache should start – back in business


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Now to make myself at home.

Change wallpaper and recycle bin to my old Leonardo da Vinci theme I have had since Windows 98.

Download Ultimate Windows Tweaker 4

This is a great little utility that gives you customisation, performance, security and privacy tweaks without having to delve into the depths of Windows Settings and the Registry Editor.

Unzip to folder right click on the executable and pin to start.

Now to have some fun.


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The upgrade to Windows 10 went smoothly – now to see if anythings broken.

It has not messed up the MBR so I can still boot into Linux Mint.

My first priority. Does my TV program work. It starts up OK but all I’ve got is static. It is easily remedied though by going into settings reminding it I’m in the United Kingdom and retuning. I make sure it’s still running in Compatibilty mode for Windows XP as I do not want to have the same problem as when I first recorded a program in Windows 7.

My old Microsoft Office 2002 applications all work.
My equally ancient Photoshop 7 also works.

In fact the only thing that seems to be broken is Dexpot – some windows are appearing on all desktops not just the ones I want. A quick google and I get this result from the Dexpot Forum a nice easy fix.

So far – so good


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Well, this is it.

The deadline for the free upgrade to Windows 10 is nearly up so I thinks it’s time to bite the bullet.

Upgrading from Windows 8 would be a no brainer, but I have really got to like Windows 7. At least I have the option of reversing the upgrade for the next 30 days.

So, here goes. Wish me luck and I shall see you on the other side.


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